SHARC Industries Registerd Trademark 


SHARC Industries LLC 440-377-5657


Premium Quality Aftermarket Bandsaw Parts and OEM Components

Stocking Parts for Amada, Behringer, Clausing, Daito, Danobat, DoAll, Everising,

Friggi, Forte, Hem (HE&M), Hydmech, Kalamazoo, Kasto, Kysor Johnson, Marvel,

Mastercut, MEP, Missler, Peddinghaus, Peerless, Pheonix, Spartan, Tannewitz,

Wells, W.F. Wells and many more... We also produce parts to sample.

Please take advantage of our site search using keywords, description, OEM numbers or SHARC numbers. 


SHARC Part Number: AH165-ZWH3
Indicator Apparatus (Power on Light)




Order Now at 440-377-5657

Replaces Part Numbers: P843024023, 10300213, 10386311, 15130999, 15131798, P843034040, AH165-ZWH3/0182

All of our Control Switches and Buttons for Amada Band Saws come with the contacts installed in their proper number and configuration to be a direct replacement and easy install. Wire locations are available in print upon request and as with all of our products for Amada Saws, help is just a phone call away at 440-377-5657